Five causes of your PPC leads' need for conversion

PPC | September 1, 2023

It's simple to panic or assign blame when a channel like PPC is in charge of generating quality leads yet fails to do so; businesses often turn to PPC packages in India, seeking to hire PPC experts who can wield this powerful channel to their advantage.

Five causes of your PPC leads' need for conversion


Nothing makes a PPC manager feel better than when an account performs well.

Campaigns are exceeding their lead target while maintaining their Cost-per-lead benchmark!

Then, unexpectedly, the enjoyment ends in the middle of a meeting. We're spending a lot of money on PPC, the client says. Although you claim that leads are pouring in, we have not noticed any sales. Why?"

Every time there is a change in performance, it is simple in the client's view to assign responsibility to the PPC channel.

However, as PPC managers (whether employed by an agency or internally), we occasionally need to learn what happens once a user turns into a lead.

Here are a few major causes of PPC leads that might not convert.

1. The Sales & Marketing Teams Disconnect

It's well-known that marketing and sales don't communicate with one another in most organizations.

That is until a crisis arises, and everyone starts blaming one another.

This problematic purchasing process is similar to attempting to peel back a large onion, the kind that causes your eyes to water.

It could be a complex idea to comprehend.

The teams should consider the following inquiries to kick off the discussion and peel back that onion.

2. Inconsistent Timelines Between the Ideal and Actual Sales Cycles

Do you know the typical sales cycle time for your customers or business?

In any case, have you ever enquired as to how the sales team arrived at that conclusion?

Working both as an agency marketer and an in-house practitioner, I've seen this disparity all too frequently:

Timelines for the sales cycle are more dependent on assumptions than on evidence!

Data is king when it comes to decision-making for PPC managers.

Therefore, it seems absurd that sales cycle timings wouldn't be based on facts.

Any PPC software may suffer from the issue of not understanding a company's typical sales cycle, but this is not the program's fault.

Timelines for the sales cycle are more dependent on assumptions than on evidence!

Data is king when it comes to decision-making for PPC managers.

Therefore, it seems absurd that sales cycle timings would be based on something other than facts.

Any PPC software may suffer from the issue of not understanding a company's typical sales cycle, but this is not the program's fault.

Let's dissect this with an example.

PPC software sales cycle

Image source : searchenginejournal

In this case, a PPC campaign achieves its monthly lead goal of 50 leads. The assumed time frame for the sales cycle is 30 days.

The sales team accuses marketing of failing to convert leads into paying customers 30 days later.

You go in as the PPC manager immediately away to try to identify the underlying reason for the problem:

  • Do the keywords line up?
  • Is the target market a suitable one?
  • Does the offer correspond with the ad copy?

After extensive research and discussions with the sales team, it has been determined that the typical sales cycle lasts 60 to 90 days. Not 30 days.

What is the result of this discovery, then?

It's only sometimes a PPC issue when leads fail to convert after 30 days. The user is about halfway or a third of the way through the purchasing process!

Transferring duty from marketing to sales will always occur.

The purpose of marketing in this situation is to generate qualified leads. Within an average of 90 days, the sales duty is to turn them into clients.

Setting reasonable expectations for the sales team is another essential step. More crucial, share your findings frequently.

3. On sometimes, money is the primary concern.

When was the last time unqualified leads were the subject of an audit?

This activity was just completed with a customer. The team was informed that PPC leads were unqualified, so we specifically looked at those.

Do you see a motif emerging here yet?

The findings were astounding:

  • 85 percent were disqualified because of "budget."
  • 10% were deemed unqualified because the sales team needed to make contact or follow up. (What?)
  • Due to a poor fit with the company, 5% of applicants were disqualified.

Buyer behavior is still changing even after several years of market volatility, much of which can be blamed on outside events like the pandemic.

Even though many businesses may genuinely be interested in a given commodity or service, they might not have sufficient funds available at the moment.

Putting these leads under the "budget issue" category might represent a change in strategy.

While it can take some time for most organizations to get back to business as usual, these previously regarded "unqualified" companies might be your best clients.

If money is the only problem, it's essential to follow up.

Consider changing your price model as a further strategic move.

It could be a sign of market-perceived worth if most leads are rejected because of budget rather than a sign that PPC needs to be fixed.

4. Ineffective Leads Are Being Generated by High-Volume Keywords

It's not always the case that more leads equal better leads.

When successful campaigns achieve their lead volume targets, things usually move smoothly.

However, when it's reported that leads aren't converting despite a pivot from sections 1-3, it's time to look more closely at campaigns.

When analyzing PPC campaigns, it's simpler to spot an anomaly if a few keywords generate the vast bulk of your leads. Begin there.

When a campaign bids on popular, general keywords, the keyword itself can be the issue.

Think about the following:

  • Is the keyword's scope too broad?
  • What purpose does the search serve?
  • Whom do I want to reach?
  • Do you have any negative keyword lists?

Simple changes to the target audience in Search advertising can occasionally produce powerful outcomes.


Since Google will display that advertisement to everyone who types in the query, regardless of purpose.

Google can now match a query based on the user's perceived intent due to the continuing loosening of match types.

Your targeting criteria will determine how specific the audience for this query is for the ads.

There might be fewer leads, but they might be of higher quality.

5. There are situations when a company is simply a bad fit

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, businesses in India often explore enticing PPC packages in India to bolster their online presence. Many opt to hire PPC experts, recognizing the value of their expertise in crafting effective campaigns. 

However, even with the best strategies in place, there are instances where a company doesn't align well with the generated leads.

It is unrealistic to expect a PPC campaign to generate just qualified leads. The automation of PPC ads today makes it impossible. Do you know about Performance Max?

Re-evaluating the keywords, a campaign is bidding on is always a brilliant idea in connection to point #4 if you want to increase the effectiveness of an account.

Return to the fundamentals and compare the original keywords to the search terms.

Has the industry altered recently, and how relevant are keywords now?

Do you need to look for other ways that users may look for your good or service?

More high-quality leads may result from switching keyword strategies to focus on lower volume, high-intent searches.

Still, there must be a balance between the amount and quality of leads.

It's time to search for additional ways to increase the PPC program if restricting keywords results in better quality but less quantity.

Bringing Everything Together

It's simple to panic or assign blame when a channel like PPC is in charge of generating quality leads yet fails to do so.

Taking a step back to consider all options, including integrating other teams and posing challenging questions, can be challenging.

Better questions yield better responses and unrealized opportunities.

This is a chance to discover more about the industry.

These kinds of inquiries ultimately turn you into a priceless resource for the company.

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Hardik Mody

Hardik Mody is a Senior Manager in Digital Marketing. He plans and coordinates the marketing activities of ValueHits, a full-service Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai, India. With his experience and Expert knowledge in the field, he identifies potential customers and develops marketing campaigns. Also, he is efficient enough to meet the client’s requirements and well-organized in handling multiple tasks.